Top-Rated Nationwide Process Servers: Trusted Process Serving Service Providers Recognized for Outstanding Recommendations
Listed below are our featured nationwide process service companies. These unique and dependable service providers are equipped to handle your process service requests anywhere in America. To get started, click on any one or all listed process service companies and get information and quotes within minutes.
If you prefer to speak with local process servers, please scroll down to where you can find process servers by state, county, and city.
Arnie's Process Serving
Arnold Pasternack
Process Server
Quickie's Services
Amanda Quick
Process Server
Christiansen Services
Robert Christiansen
Process Server
Metro Process
Artie Scott
Process Server
Process Servers known for lowest fees and best service of process, are listed by state, county, city and zip code below
Discover the States and U.S. Territories below where Great Process Servers await your email!
Listed Process Servers are also Skip Tracers, who specialize in finding information and addresses
Great Process Servers find and serve witnesses and anyone who needs to be placed on notice! Do you need someone served but are unsure where the person is located, works or resides? Listed process servers can help you find and serve your important documents.
Great Process Servers find and serve defendants and witnesses! Do you need to serve a defendant with a summons, citation or order but are unsure where the defendant resides or is employed? Any listed Process Server within our directory will ascertain the whereabouts of the subject of your action and handle the service of process too!
Great Process Servers find difficult to locate people. Do you need assistance with finding an heir, birth parent or an important person? They can assist you!
Listed below are the most popular services performed by Great Process Servers. Rest assured if you are seeking any service listed below you will find listed Process Servers to be resourceful, dependable and professional.
- Deliver Courtesy Copies to Judges and Court Clerks
- Deliver Demand Letter’s
- Delivery of a Notice
- Deliver Urgent Documents
- Evictions; Three-day Notices and Five-Day notices services
- Federal District Subpoena Process Serving Services
- Federal District Summons and Complaint Process Serving Services
- Federal United States District Court Subpoena Services
- Federal United States District Court Summons Services
- Foreclosure Summons and Complaint Services
- Private Process Server Services
- Serve a Records Subpoena
- Serve an Administrative Subpoena
- Serve a Notice to Appear
- Serve a State Summons
- Serve a Subpoena Duces Tecum
- Serve a Supreme Court Summons
- Serve a Witness Subpoena
- Serve a Workers Compensation Subpoena
- Serve an Administrative Action
- Serve an Evictions Summons
- Serve Tenant Notices
- Serve Probate and Surrogate court documents
- Service a Citation
- Serve of a Complaint
- Service of a Court Order
- Service of a Foreclosure Complaint
- Service of a Petition
- Service of a Subpoena Duces Tecum
- Service of a Warrant
- Service of Process in hand only
- Service Process to Directors and Partners
- Serving a Divorce Summons
- Serving a Modification
- Serving Order to Show Cause Actions
- Serving Process to a Corporation
- Serving Process to a Medical Office
- Serving Process to a Person
- Serving Process to a Registered Agent
- Serving Process to an inmate
- Skip Trace-Locate Missing People Services
- Skip Tracing Services
- Surveillance and Covert Stake Out Services
Things to know about Great Process Serving Services
Process Servers wearing Disguises
Legislatures and judges have consistently proscribed the use of actual disguises (such as uniformed delivery persons) by process servers in an attempt to reach their intended subject. Furthermore, impersonations by process servers of Federal or state employees (such as police officers, federal agents, tax collectors, postal workers, etc.), as well as utility company employees (meter readers being a prime example), can carry severe criminal consequences.
However, this restriction on disguises has consistently been limited to verbal misrepresentations and traditional uniforms. Implied disguises, such as carrying a pizza, flowers, or packages with no apparent affiliation with a delivery service is a valid means of service. A process server may even order such a delivery to a defendant's location and simply approach alongside the delivery person, serving the defendant at that time.
Process Servers Trespassing
In nearly every state, process servers are restricted from trespassing on property as a means of serving process. Such invasions, no matter how innocuous, are regarded as not only invalid, but illegal and may result in penalties for offenders. Gated communities and apartment buildings have created a curious predicament for process servers, however, most are required to allow process servers to enter them.
Schools, Church’s, Courthouse’s and Private Area’s
Process Servers can serve process just about anywhere but there are some process servers, for personal reasons, that will not assist you. Process Servers have the right to respectfully decline your service if the location is not acceptable to the Process Server.
Specialty Services offered by Great Process Servers:
Address and or Property Photographic Verification:
You provide an address; they will provide you with video and/or photographs of the location.
Address Search:
You supply an address, they ascertain names, phone numbers, past and present occupants, whether owned or rented, commercial or residential, past and present drivers who use (d) the address and any and all business other licenses that may be using the address.
Adoptee & Birth Parent Search:
Great Process Servers assist you in obtaining pertinent information as it relates to your needs.
Arrest Records Researched:
You provide the name, social security number, date of birth and the county, city, or town where arrest (s) occurred; they will research, retrieve it, and then provide you with the record (s) if any.
Background Check Services:
You provide a name, social security number, date of birth and last known address; they will provide you with a dossier of personal data, civil and criminal records, if any. This service includes statewide Florida criminal records, Florida Federal; civil and criminal records, county (last known and/or current address location) civil and criminal records.
Birth and Death Records Search:
This service provides you with names, dates and all pertinent information.
Business / Corporate Search:
Services include: corporate ownership, director status, registered agent registration, fictitious name filings and provides you will all the details, such as but not limited to, date of incorporation, date of startup, partners, trademarks, patents, and copy writes. Additional information available is TRW profile, D&B reports, business summary reports, licenses; and physical evaluation of premises, employees and office environment.
Class Action Litigation Support:
Great Process Servers assist Attorneys with gathering information, interviewing, locating and serving witnesses and retrieving records, files and information. No assignment is too small or large for any listed Process Server to manage.
Confidential Courier and Notary Services:
Have a licensed Notary pick up, retrieve, deliver and or notarize documents on your behalf.
Courthouse Case and Records:
Listed Process Servers can uncover, retrieve and photocopy records on your behalf.
Corporate and Business Affiliation Search:
You provide the subject name; they will provide you with corporate, LLC, GP, PA, PC and RA and or fictitious name affiliation records information.
Court Courier:
They deliver, pick up and retrieve court documents anywhere in the United States.
Criminal Background Search:
Conducted at the metro, county, state and federal levels. A person with a criminal history may be exposed and all facets of the subject’s records can be documented in great detail.
Date of Birth Search:
You provide a name, social security number and last known address; they will provide you with a date of birth.
Death, Probate and or Guardianship Records Located:
You provide the name of the decedent and the address and county; they will provide you with the docket sheet and related information for the case file identified.
Drivers’ License and Driving Records:
Great Process Servers can obtain all driving record information and records from anywhere in the United States and most foreign countries.
Docket Sheet Retrieval:
You supply a case number and courthouse location; they provide you with a copy of the docket sheet and related information for the case file identified.
Document Retrieval:
Great Process Servers can retrieve documents, files and records from any location in the United States. Some restrictions and authorization may apply to medical records.
Employment Search:
This service will verify a person’s employment history and or current employment status.
Evasive or Missing People:
Great Process Servers specialize in locating people. Great Process Servers offer research services for finding heirs, missing or unknown people, witnesses and or defendants that are difficult to find.
Great Process Servers serve all types of Eviction documents
Foreclosure Services:
Great Process Servers are eviction and foreclosure specialists. Listed Process Servers will handle any and all of your needs.
Heir Locations Services:
In respect to locating, contacting and meeting missing heirs, listed Process Servers research services assure professional communications and results.
License Tag / Plate Information:
You provide a vehicle license tag number; they will provide you with the year, make and model of the vehicle and the lien holder and/or owner of the vehicle.
License Verification Search:
This service confirms the validity of licenses for professionals such as, teachers, brokers, doctors, lawyers, security dealers, investigators; also service companies licenses such as landscapers, management companies, health spas, nail salons, plumbers, and electricians. Also pilots, boaters and firearm licenses can be verified.
Lost Love Ones:
Great Process Servers are particularly skilled in finding people. Their resources and expertise can be helpful in finding that very special person.
Mail Forwarding:
You provide h a persons last known address; they will provide you with the address where the mail is forwarding.
Marriage & Divorce Records Investigations:
This service provides you with information relating to a persons marriage and or divorce records. When, where and how many marriages can be revealed.
Messenger Services:
Listed Process Servers also provide messenger services.
Military Records:
Military records can be researched, located and verified.
Missing Person Research: listed Process servers use expert skills, researchers and database information to track down missing people. In some cases, many services listed herein are utilized to assist in locating the person in question.
Mortgage Filing and Recording:
They will file and or record your clients mortgage and title work. They will arrange for picking up the documents, travel to the appropriate government buildings and file the appropriate documents. After the filing is successfully managed they will return the recorded instruments to a designated address of your choice.
Name Verification:
This service confirms the accuracy and legality of a persons name. In addition, they can determine if the person changed, altered or had any other names previously to the current one.
Occupancy Verification:
Verification of occupancy - determined by physical signs of occupancy, and the overall condition of the property based on exterior inspection.
Probate Records:
Great Process Servers can locate, evaluate and retrieve any and all probate records nationwide.
Professional License Verification:
You provide a name and profession; they will provide and confirm the status (past and present) of the licensee and adverse information, if any.
Great Process Serving Services:
Great Process Servers offer services anywhere in the United States. Your Summons, Order, Writ, Citation and or Subpoena will be handled quickly and efficiently. Experience and knowledge of all applicable laws assures proper and timely service.
Records Retrieved:
Great Process Servers can obtain and copy court files, medical records, legal files, mortgages, financial documents, recorded documents, final dispositions, docket sheets, titles, deeds, etc.
Skip Tracing a/k/a Finding someone:
Listed Process Servers' tactics afford you the best opportunity to determining a persons last known address and or the current location of the person in question.
Social Security Number Verification:
You provide a name and last known address; they will provide you with a social security number (Not available to the public).
Three-Day Notice or your any day Notice:
Great Process Servers can serve your Three-Day non-payment notice within hours of receiving the notice. Their services and paperwork are handled professionally.
Vehicle Identification and Ownership Record:
You provide a V.I.N. number; they will provide you with the current title or lien holder.
Vehicle Title Owner:
You provide a license tag number; they will provide you with the title or lien holder.